Hello my friends, I'm John, and I'm writing form Brazil. We're finally connected to internet (12kbps LOL), so I've decided to create this blog, to present my country for the rest of the world and to clarify some wrong myths about it. For example, many foreigners think that monkeys run free in our streets. It's totally fake. We have strict laws about apes, and the anti-monkey police is very severe in its duty of keeping the monkeys away. It 's completely safe to enjoy your banana drinks whenever you want.
By the way, I apologize for my poor english. The only language teachers found here are the missionaries, and the last one left in my village was eaten by a crocodille six years ago. So I learn most from american 80's movies and old pulp fiction.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog, as much as I enjoy writing it, and maybe you get interested in visiting us. Please bring many dollars. And a cheezburger.
16 comentários:
É... pensei que precisaria do dicionário a cada palavra lida. Mas você estava no msn hauahuahauhau.
Bom, achei interessantíssima a ideia de treinar seu inglês escrevendo um blog em inglês (por mais idiota que possa parecer). Também serve pra eu treinar o meu, por tabela. Só não espere comentários em inglês.
É divertido também pois se seus amigos do Canadá comentarem aqui posso mandar todos pra puta que os pariu, para a casa do caralho, mandá-los se fuder, que eles nem vão entender. Aí você diz que significa "Nice to meet you".
E, além de tudo isso, você ainda fez um post muito bom. Uma ideia original e um texto engraçado.
Hello! My name is Lecram Tarzan and I live in a house no water and no basic sanitation. My dog is a big pig called Bodedessetamanho! I have a monkey too!
I also need english with missionaries, come to Africa.
And yeees, please, bring many dollars!
.: John, so sorry for my poor and mistaken english. Missionaries...
Massa o blog! Haheuaha, vo add lá!
*I also Learned' english with missionaries, como From' Africa.
Oh I enjoyed your blog!
I'm in a hurry!! The rainforest is going to rain!!!!! I mean, it's going to happening right NOW!! And you know what I need to do when the rainforest rains ;D!
Lecram, your dog is nothing if compared with my 'Chupanza' the Onça Cat ;D
let's pokebattle! bye!
(It's going to HAPPEN!!!)
Bodessetamanho X Chupanza
Ok, let's pokebattle!!
You ll never win!!!
Chupanza has trained with Master Blanka! A Brazilian Beast the fight "The Capoeira"!
Now, say goodbye to your Bodessetamanho!
I have a question:
You must be very rich to have a 12 kbps interwebs, so... do you father works with cocaine, coffee, samba, soccer or marijuana?
ps: Blanka was a american soldier who went lost in Amazonia (true).
What a blog!
[Rockgol]Totally excellent[/Rockgol]
"What a blog!
LoL, Blanka fights the capoeira, he speake portuguese..so he IS brazilian ¬¬
Vô deixar um comentário mesmo só pra garantir que eu passei mesmo por aqui!!!
Boa idéia, bom blog e excelente texto!!! Agora falta só vc arrumar um emprego e deixar de ser a toa!!!!! hauiahuihaihaiuhaiuhauhiauahiua
Este blog é um luxo
Chuck Norris aproves.
"LoL, Blanka fights the capoeira, he speake portuguese..so he IS brazilian ¬¬"
The caracterist that makes the people think that he is a brazilian is the green color!
..John John..
You know I was one of the first one to post over here, I wrote kinda 100 lines disagreeing, almost punching you, but when I pressed the bottom, I hadn't logged in..dherrr!!!..
See you soon, just lemme get some sleep and I'll try to write something more intelligent.
Take care!
Que legal, meu inglês é bom...pq eu entendi tudo ahuha
Muito legal o texto! ;)
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